We want this blog to start a conversation. It’s highly likely this may further a conversation already in progress. But we don’t want it to stay merely conversation; that’s only half of the work. These words should spur you on to some kind of action, not consumption of more content.

Regardless, may you be encouraged into a deeper relationship with God and those around you.


Meet the Authors

A Meditation for 9/11

May the Lord bring you to the very center of Love, where you can love yourself, your neighbors, and your enemies. May the Lord bring an end to all wars and suffering. May we all experience Shalom.

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Come to Me

The words in my head and on my heart today are “come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” These were the words of Jesus the Christ to a crowd of would-be followers. They are Christ’s words to us today in our context as well. He offered these words after spending some time denouncing sinful and unrepentant towns. After the denouncements, he says that God’s way is working out mysteriously under the direction and Lordship of Christ. Then he offers these words of direction and comfort. From Matthew 11: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” May you approach the Lord knowing you will not be turned away. You will find rest. May you learn the simple and gentle way of God. May you have the wisdom to discern between the yoke of the Lord and the burdens you’re not meant to carry. May you find rest today.... read more

Prepositions Matter

Last week I read something which struck me as quite profound. I’d like to share it with you and see how it strikes you. We learn how to live from the God who has loved us. Our growth as Christians is described not in terms of our conformity or non-conformity to laws, but in terms of our becoming more like the God who has met us and in whose image we are created. (The Practice of Spiritual Direction, Barry & Connolly) There is so much packed into these sentences. As we have been focusing more intentionally on spiritual formation this year, I think these words are a great place to camp out for a while. The main thing I want to point out, though, is their choice of prepositions in the first sentence:  “from.” Sure, the Apostle Paul talks about living in and through Christ. That’s not new to us. What about living “from” Christ?  To use a theological phrase you may have heard, this language is talking about God as the Ground of Being. Or to use the language of our community, God is the good soil in which we are rooted. We are “rooted and established in Love.”  As Christians, our very life force comes from God; thus we live “from the God who has loved us.” We do not do this on our own strength or our own vitality. As we realize we are emerging from the Ground of Being, we also realize we are living from the abundance of God’s Love. And as a result, we can say along with the Apostle Paul, “it is... read more

Drop Everything

Can you live as though your money and possessions mean nothing to you? Can you live in such a way that your wealth has as little of a hold on you as the boats full of fish did on those fishermen?

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With the Earth in the process of renewing its journey around the sun, the time for resolutions, words, and yearly planning has begun. But I want to challenge us about this. What if we don’t make that resolution? What if we don’t decide what word will be the theme of 2022? What if we don’t write out our goals and plans for the coming year? To some of you, these are not at all controversial questions. But for others, like me, who are future and task oriented, going into a new year with no set plans or goals is the height of heresy. And, I think that maybe not making any plans for 2022 is the path forward. Because, the truth is, that God does not operate in the manmade construct of time. God works outside of time. Which means that God is already at work in 2022. And if we believe that, then maybe our plans and goals for 2022 could potentially get in the way of the work which God is desiring to do in and through us. God is already doing. My challenge for us in this new year is to lay down our goals and plans. And as we lay down the “hustle” of New Year resolutions, perhaps we will be able to slow down enough to see and hear where God is at work in each of us individually, in our homes, in our church community, in our city, and in the world. If we can do this even for a little while, I believe we will see God’s movement in really powerful ways.... read more